Welcome to our Team page 🙂

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Something interresting about us

Most of the times, we have different opinions. However, we always agree on the direction Tale Travel should go and we act out our values after office hours, too. Because there’s great power in a group of thoughtful, committed individuals – that of bringing positive change.

Our B2B Tale…

We met in the 2000s, when we were still young and… restless.

Like any group of people getting to know each other, we started talking and sharing memories.
We took our time to click and build strong connections, but the one idea we all agreed on from the beginning was that travelling made for the best stories.
We were keen on telling travel tales. Some of us had been working in tourism, others in financial or sales, but we all clicked when it came to traveling.

…is your story too

Therefore, in 2016, we found Tale Travel as a B2B Travel Wholesaler.

Having diverse backgrounds, we had learned of many pain points. So, when we came together we were able to generate ideas and set up an entire system to solve them. We built our business customer by customer, listening closely, observing, and taking notes. Being there, being flexible and always on the lookout for solutions.
As the world spins on, it continues to shape the purpose of travel and the role of travel agencies. We adapt, of course. But, have you noticed that the only constant is having Travel Tales to tell?

Because of our TEAM

Tale Travel is passionately grown by these folks…

Our Values

Honesty & Transparency

We are open and we make information available for collaboration and collective decision making, among all stakeholders.


We believe in dedicating time, being mentally engaged, and building long term, trust based partnerships.


We use cutting edge technology to stay ahead of our competition and to answer customers’ needs.